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Memorial Hall
280 E Broad St.
Room 100
Columbus, OH 43215

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(614) 525-2500
(614) 525-2505

Appointment Request

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8:00am - 4:30pm
Monday  -  Friday 

9:00am - 3:30pm
1:00pm - 3:30pm (Thursdays)

Walk In Services

  • Scheduled Food Voucher Pick Up
  • Gas Voucher & Bus Tickets for Medical Appointment
  • Document Drop Off
  • Request Appointment

Welcome to the Franklin County Veterans Service Commission  

2023 & 2024 were record setting years for us as we had more requests and provided more financial assistance than in any other years in our history.  While overall this is good news, it does mean that there is often a wait time for an appointment. 

There have been changes to how we deliver financial assistance that are covered on our Financial Assistance Request form.   The request form provides a list of what documents are needed and the scope of assistance that is available.  

We are anxious to work in partnership with you as you seek financial assistance and/or access to VA benefits. 

If you need help, please use our online link (preferred), call or email.  We will reach out to discuss your need.  The advantage of using the online link is that it takes less than five minutes to complete and provide us important information to have the right staff member contact you.   

Additional Resources

Burial and Memorial Benefits

Veterans Service Commission can help you receive benefits and services including headstones, markers, burial flags and burial in a national cemetery. We may help indigent or unclaimed veterans receive proper funeral services through our Indigent Burial Program. Please contact our office for additional information.

Compensation and Pensions

You may receive a monthly compensation if you are at least 10 percent disabled as a result of your military service.

Also, you may receive a monthly pension if you are a wartime veteran with limited income and assets and are permanently and totally disabled or are at least 65 years of age.

Build Careers for Veterans and Dependents

You may be paid benefits while you are in an approved education or training program. Some dependents of disabled or deceased veterans may receive benefits.

Help to Access Health Care Benefits

Veterans Service Commission can help you receive health care from a VA health care facility. Some of the services provided at the facility include:

  • Hospital, outpatient, medical, dental, pharmacy and prosthetic services
  • Special health care for female veterans
  • Health and rehabilitation programs for homeless veterans
  • ..and more!

Access Life Insurance Benefits and Procedures

You may be able to receive insurance benefits through the Department of Veterans Affairs. This is important for veterans and service members who may not be able to get insurance from private companies because of the extra risks involved in military service or because of a service-connected disability.